
Wendi is an incredible hyper 20 year old junior with dark brown hair andhazel eyes. She is about 5'3 1/2", but often rounds her height up to 5'4" to make herself feel taller. She loves to talk and joke around, but be cautious, she also loves to tease and make fun.
Wendi (sex: female) is awake.

Wendi is a very good friend of mine. I've known her almost as long as I'vebeen mucking...since way back when Chronic was still around. ;) for those ofyou that know who Chronic is. If you see her on, throw a waterballoon/snowballat her for me. ;} She's also my tiny-fiancee too! :)

Last updated: 8/10/96
WebMaster: Tim Russo Skeetre@SC.edu
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