Skeetre's Castle

You walk into the Castle. Wow!
Skeetre's Castle

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Welcome into my castle!!! Stolen out of England's 14th century, when it was new, and with a few additions like my gargoyles, it is one of a kind. I call it home. The long, winding staircase leads up to my room. There is a study, library, and a lab on the second floor. On the ground level you will notice the huge kitchen and the vast gathering room(for parties), a large number of spare bedrooms(for weary friends), and of course my state of the art, art! And my state of the art indoor surfing wave pool for when the water gets too cold outside at Northshore. Come on in for a spell. The servants will get you anything you want.(: Peace, Love, and what's that last one...?
~~ Exits: West, Surf Shop {SS}, and North Shore {NS}

Last updated: 8/08/96
© Copyright Nov 1995/AUG 1996 Skeetre's Surf Shop Inc.